Have you ever liked or shared a page from your blog to Facebook and noticed it doesn’t pick up the correct Meta description or it’s choosing a random image to use? You probably thought it’s just how it is and you can’t do anything about it. Fortunately, you can. With Facebook Open Graph Meta tags, you can define exactly how your web page will appear on Facebook.

What is Facebook Open Graph?

Facebook Open Graph gives full control on your website’s sharing Meta tags and lets the owner or webmaster of the site define exactly what information will be shared across Facebook from their site. This is by using a special set of Meta tags specifically made for Facebook Open Graph.

facebook open graph

For instance, the link above was shared by The Jane Goodall Institute Australia page. It looks like the Institute used a random picture and default details for the title and meta tags. With Facebook’s Open Graph, you’ll be able to choose yourself the best image to use for your shared information on Facebook. Additionally, you’ll be able to create a unique title and Meta description specifically for your Facebook followers. Sweet!

You probably want to know more about this so head over here and check out the full details.

How to create your Meta tags for Open Graph

Now, to create the open graph Meta tags for your site, you need to add the codes below on your webpage or each of your blog posts.

<meta content=”your page title here” />
<meta content=”image url” />
<meta content=”Meta description or unique description” />
<meta content=”link to blog/product page” />
<meta content=”site name” />
<meta content=”blog” />

Ugh! Codes! Yeah, I know. I’m not going to say that it’s totally easy adding this on your site especially if you have hundreds of product pages for an ecommerce site. Good news though for blogs and websites that use WordPress as a platform. Plugins have been made specifically for this purpose, and they’ve been working great for most who have tried it.

But if you’re not on WordPress, don’t worry! This can be easily added by your developers on your site.